Yesterday, we both stressed over and celebrated another milestone in our "parenting" career. We watched as little willow took that walk through gate 28 onto a huge jet. Her destination, a week long vacation with her favorite aunts and grandpa in Louisiana. This would be her first experience flying solo, and the husband and I were stressing just a wee bit...wink!
She is definitely daddy's little it was a little harder on him; I on the other hand, have tremendous faith in my sisters and maybe it's a "sister thing", but I trust them with even the most precious treasure in my life, my daughter.
I was a little sad, because the last time my daughter made this journey--she was attending her grandma's funeral. So I knew this trip was going to be bitter sweet for her, as grandma is no longer there. I know that this trip will bring that final closure for her. So I wasn't surprised when the phone rang this morning and our conversation went something like this:
Daughter: Mom?
Me: Hi, baby!
Daughter: Guess what I did today?? (Her voice filled with love)
Me: What?
Daughter: I went to see Grandma.
Me: You did? Well, how was it?
Daughter: Good...I went with grandpa to change the water and put fresh flowers on her grave, AND they moved her.
Me: Yes, I know, grandpa had her plot moved so that he wouldn't have to use a ladder, just to talk to her.
Suddenly, the conversation took a lighter turn, and she was ready to get off the phone. She had more important things to do than talk to me, like using the bathroom and getting ready to go to the mall. And I knew grandma must have been smiling from heaven.
Have a great time, my sweet girl. Going back to your roots, and learning about the heart of your family is something that I am incredibly lucky that I can give you, because there's no greater gift than family.
Happy Friday, jelly beans!
Posts like these make me want to be part of your family, TW. I wish mine was like yours, but there are too many here who would rather be right. You know what I mean?
Yes, I know what you mean. It took tons of growth on my part to really "appreciate" the family I have, even the ones that always want to be right (that would be me)...wink! No family is perfect, sweet girl, so you do the best with what you your best and leave the rest!
The little girl and I are just lucky enough that I have some incredible birth sisters/brothers that are truly my best friends. ; )
( ( ( ( ( HuGs ) ) ) ) )
Hi TW, I love coming by for your posts. They put a smile on my face every time!
terry!!! Hey, jelly bean! When can I read a Post of yours?? ; )
sooner or later! events overtake me too easily these days. I will try!
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