"You are lovable. I love you. You can love yourself." ~My Someone Special

Monday, August 6, 2007

Having it His Way...

The husband asked me over the weekend, if he could get me drunk and have his way with me? I said, SURE WHY NOT. I was in a generous mood, and alcohol is always a good start. heehee

Of course, checking me into an adorable boutique hotel, and telling me to RELAX can definitely get him his way...wink.

Wait--you remembered that I love Keith Urban, score! Besides, his way is always better. Thanks for a fun weekend, babe!



Lainey-Paney said...

ooooh...to just getaway...
I'm jealous...

Mia Goddess said...

LOL Glad you're feeling "lucky"! I don't need a cocktail...doing the dishes is enough foreplay in these parts. *sigh*

True Willow said...

lainey-paney...I highly recommend it!=)

True Willow said...

mia goddess!!!! I am LUCKY because you came to visit. HUGS! What's foreplay? ahahahahahaha